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When building a new home or another structure, the land has to be ready for use before work can begin. After surveying is done, land clearing companies are among the first contractors to start preparing sites for development. Here are three services that land clearing companies commonly offer that you might need for your development project.

1. Remove Trees and Stumps

Among the first things to go are trees and stumps that occupy the spaces where structures are planned. According to Nature Portfolio, about 15 billion trees are removed annually around the globe to make land ready for people to use. Land clearing companies can remove dead, dying, or diseased trees that would pose a danger to the finished project. They also can selectively remove other trees that would get in the way of construction while leaving others that might prove beneficial for the property when the development is done. Once the trees are gone, their stumps get removed, too.

2. Get Rid of Brush and Undergrowth

Other common items to remove while clearing land are brush and undergrowth, which might be thick and provide cover for mosquitoes, biting flies, and other pests. Removing the brush and undergrowth reveals the land’s surface while clearing it of all obstructions. It’s easier to see what was hidden by the brush and undergrowth and get a better idea of the quality of soil contained within the land. The cleared land also enables the eventual installation of a lawn and landscaping design after the structure is built.

3. Dig Out Large Rocks and Boulders

The land isn’t cleared until all large rocks and boulders are moved out of the way. Some might be useful as part of a landscaping design, but others are just in the way and need to be removed to enable land development. Land clearing companies can use backhoes to dig out large rocks and boulders and lift them out of the ground. Loading them onto the back of a dump truck enables them to be trucked out and possibly repurposed as decorative stones or used along with fill dirt to shape the land for the same or another project. Once the stones are removed, the land can be shaped and graded.

When you have land that needs to be cleared, you can call or visit us to learn more about our land clearing services and schedule a time to get work done. We look forward to hearing from you. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about our services.